Latest Listings
P-51 Mustang brake master cylinders
422.33€ -
CAC Wirraway push rods
328.48€ -
Spitfire MK(s) VII, VIII, IX engine mount fittings (SOLD)
0.00€ -
Spitfire MK(s) VII, VIII, IX engine mount sleeved fitting (SOLD)
375.40€ -
Spitfire MK(s) VII, VIII, IX engine mount lug (SOLD)
375.40€ -
P&W R-1830, R-2000 engine mounts NOS
300.32€ -
Vultee BT-13 Valiant oil cooler
328.48€ -
DeHavilland Vampire wing tip lenses
173.62€ -
A-26 exhaust section
117.31€ -
Bell P-400 exhaust stacks
258.09€ -
NOS NAA B-25 mitchell exhaust
703.88€ -
B-25 Mitchell escape hatch
Newly made Lockheed P-38E, F & G Lightning fighter instrument panel
Very complicated and time consuming to make, this has been made to the correct spec with original airworthy material and heat treated.

if you need airworthiness certificates add +$100
(only 2 remaining)
World wide air freight available
Very complicated and time consuming to make, this has been made to the correct spec with original airworthy material and heat treated.

if you need airworthiness certificates add +$100
(only 2 remaining)
World wide air freight available
- Model: P-38 lightning