Latest Listings
P-51 Mustang brake master cylinders
$450.00 -
CAC Wirraway push rods
$350.00 -
Spitfire MK(s) VII, VIII, IX engine mount fittings (SOLD)
$0.00 -
Spitfire MK(s) VII, VIII, IX engine mount sleeved fitting (SOLD)
$400.00 -
Spitfire MK(s) VII, VIII, IX engine mount lug (SOLD)
$400.00 -
P&W R-1830, R-2000 engine mounts NOS
$320.00 -
Vultee BT-13 Valiant oil cooler
$350.00 -
DeHavilland Vampire wing tip lenses
$185.00 -
A-26 exhaust section
$125.00 -
Bell P-400 exhaust stacks
$275.00 -
NOS NAA B-25 mitchell exhaust
$750.00 -
B-25 Mitchell escape hatch
(SOLD) Vickers K machine gun bead sight
Vickers K machine gun bead sight
used on many early war commonwealth aircraft like the Vickers Wellesley and on flexible mounted guns ln other types like the Douglas boston, cac wirraway, fairey battle etc
used on many early war commonwealth aircraft like the Vickers Wellesley and on flexible mounted guns ln other types like the Douglas boston, cac wirraway, fairey battle etc